Monday, April 14, 2014

Planning Your Easter Celebration

Easter is one of those holidays where family and friends all come together to celebrate, reconnect, and have fun. When planning your Easter celebration, the theme of fun and family should be your top concerns. Following are some suggestions to ensure that this Easter celebration is one that everyone will enjoy and feel good about.

Making Memories That Will Last A Lifetime

One of the most fun ways to capture memories at any party or special event is with a photo booth. People are willing to be silly and have fun with a photo booth. Even the people who put their hand in front of their face when a regular picture is taken will be willing to let loose and have a picture taken.

A special photo booth can take normal black and white or color pictures, or it can add funny frames, hair, and hats into the picture. Guests will love the pictures and the personalized message they receive on the picture and, most of all, the memories they make.

Even better, guests can leave a video message after they get their picture taken. Once the party is over, you will get an awesome CD to play for everyone (or make copies of) with all the crazy and fun pictures and videos on it. When planning your Easter celebration, this is one item that will truly help you capture the essence of the party and remember it for a long time to come.

Making Sure Everyone Is Comfortable

There is nothing worse than finding out you are short on chairs and tables. Watching people sit uncomfortably close together while they eat, or worse, seeing people left without a chair to sit in can be awkward and bring certain party guests down. Because you want Easter to be a time when everyone feels comfortable and happy, having the right amount of tables and chairs is essential.

Depending on your space, you may want to rent either 6 ft rectangular banquet tables that seat 6, 8 ft rectangular banquet tables that seat 8, or round 60 inch tables that will sit 8, or a mixture of all the tables. Round tables will allow groups to face each other, while long tables will allow everyone to have a roomy seat in a smaller event area.

It is always a good idea to overestimate the amount of tables and chairs you need. Having two extra tables with the appropriate amount of extra chairs will ensure that any unexpected guests will not be left feeling out of place.

Making Sure You Have A Functional Bar

Whether you are planning to have alcoholic drinks or just pop, coffee, and juice, you should have a functional bar that keeps everything organized and easy to access. You can easily get an attractive wood (looks like granite) portable 5ft bar that folds for storage until needed and has a shelf to keep drinks handy. If you have one person designated to hand out the drinks, you will find that your drink space will stay organized and clean, and all guests will happily get what they want without a lot of fuss.

In the end, while planning rent Charlotte inflatables from a bounceable time your Easter celebration, make sure that you plan to have something or someone that can capture all of the people and special memories that occur. You won't want to forget it. Moreover, having the proper amount of seating can help keep everyone happy and comfortable. Lastly, having a drink area that stays organized and accessible will help keep things running smoothly without a lot of mess.

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